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Rubbin Sarpong, 35, of Millville, N. Attorney Craig Carpenito said on Wednesday. Rubbin Sarpong, 35, of Millville, was arrested Wednesday and charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Attorney Craig Carpenito said. Sarpong allegedly scammed the victims for nearly three years by telling them he needed money to ship gold bars to the United States, according to federal prosecutors.
Sarpong and his alleged conspirators, mostly based in Ghana, set up profiles on dating websites using made-up or stolen identities and posed as U. After virtual romantic relationships started to develop on the online dating platforms and through email, Sarpong and his conspirators allegedly asked them for money. The most commonly used story was that they were stationed in Syria and awarded gold bars, authorities said.
They told many victims that the money would be returned once the gold bars arrived in the U. Sarpong has posted photographs of himself on Instagram posing with stacks of cash, luxury cars and expensive jewelry.
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